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Ayrlie MacEachern is a co-founder of HUGS for L.I.F.E. and has been sharing the gift of HUGS for over two decades (but has been known for her wonderful hugging skills her whole life!)


The idea of the HUG scarf was inspired by a wall hanging. As an expression of love and friendship, the first HUG was created to give to others so that they could always carry this symbol of love.

When Ayrlie came up with the name HUGS for L.I.F.E. (Living Inspirationally and Freely with Eachother) it became clear that something magical was about to happen! Support from family, friends, and inspiring feedback from their customers was instrumental and helped the dream that was HUGS for L.I.F.E materialize and come to life!

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Our Story: About


HUGS for L.I.F.E has come a long, long way. From small tables set up in church basements, to supplying HUGS to Canadian Olympic athletes, our story just keeps getting better. But, it's important to remember our humble beginnings. So, in the spirit of remembering where we started, here are some shots of Ayrlie selling HUGS many moons ago. And a photo of HUGS's first custom label for the 1997 Canadian Special Olympics World Winter Games!

Our Story: Text
Our Story: Pro Gallery
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